The sanctioning body for Reined Cow Horse is the National Reined Cow Horse Association (NRCHA)
If you visit the NRCHA home page and view the video, you will note that Reined Cow Horse is TRULY a mach II extreme sport, for both the horse and rider Both women and men are equally suited for Reined Cow Horse events
The NRCHA is a non-breed specific organization that allows the entry of any and all breeds of horse
Reined Cow Horse events and shows are dominated by the American Quarter Horse, but the Appalossa and American Paint Horse breeds are also well represented
Reined Cow Horse shows are always two or three event affairs. All “aged classes” consist of three events with the hackamore class, two-rein class and bridle class usually offering just two events
A bridle spectacular may also be offered as a three event class. The three events are “Herd Work” followed by “Dry Work” culminating in the main event “Fence Work”